Laboratory Overview

Longhu Laboratory was approved by the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on March 21, 2022

Leading units: Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou University

Strategic positioning: "forward-looking leadership, demand-driven, diverse integration, open collaboration", focusing on the needs of life and health and the biomedical industry, and achieving "top-of-the-line" basic research and industrial transformation in the field of modern immunology, aiming to build national innovation highlands.

The goal of building:

1. Build a first-class modern immunization technology innovation platform and produce first-class results;

2. Build an original innovation base for biomedicine and effectively support the construction of "Four Powerful Provinces and One Highland";

3. To catch up and surpass the world's advanced level in the field of vaccination and protein drugs, become an important international innovation force, and contribute to human health and set a benchmark.